
DataVaults Components for Data Sharing, Value Generation and Intelligence 2/3

In this blog post we cover briefly the next 2 DataVaults components of the "Data Sharing, Value Generation and Intelligence" bundle, namely the Secure Analytics Playground and the Data Explorer

DataVaults Components for Data Sharing, Value Generation and Intelligence 1/3

In this post we present the 'Data Fetcher and Transfromation' and the 'Query Builder' components, as worked for the Alpha and the Beta Release.

DataVaults @ Europe Direct Piraeus

On the 20h of December Municipality of Piraeus under the auspices of the Europe Direct Piraeus programme organised a workshop focusing on the digital transformation of the Piraeus city.

The Road to a Trusted Personal Data Space – A Session Sponsored by DataVaults @ EBDVF 2021

On Monday, 29th of November 2021 DataVaults organised the session "The Road to a Trusted Personal Data Space" in the 2021 edition of the EBDVF Forum, achieving a high number of attendees who followed the presentations that were performed by selected partners of our consortium and engaged in a fruitfull Q&A session.

DataVaults @ EBDVF 2021 – 29th Nov, 2021

DataVaults is proud to be part of the Data Spaces track of EBDVF 2021, with the session "DataVaults: The Road to a Trusted Personal Data Space", on 29th November 2021, 11:30 CET

DataVaults @ Action Cluster Citizen Focus Meeting – 15th Nov, 2021

Smart Cities Marketplace Action Cluster organises the online meeting of the Action Cluster Citizen Focus, that will take place at 15th November 2021 from 15:00 to 17:00 h CET. The meeting will be focused on developing civic engagement and participation in smart cities and communities. Shaun Topham, Marina da Bormida and Paolo Boscolo will present the current progresses of DataVaults and unveil the plans for the upcoming year.

DataVaults @ Major Cities of Europe 2021

This year's Major Cities of Europe (MCE) Annual Conference will be held virtually from 13th -15th October 2021. DataVaults will be presented in MCE 2021 by Paolo Boscolo, CIO of the City of Prato - Italy, on the third day of the conference, 15th October at 10:25 CET.

Personal Data Valuation – A Challenging Task

One route of reaching citizens lies in smart cities speedily adopting personal data platforms; however personal data valuation is still a challenge.

How do we go about evaluating in DataVaults?

When we start to look at what we are doing across the breadth of the DataVaults project the question on how to evaluate the DataVaults platform becomes daunting.

Highlights from DataVaults at Data Week 2021

DataVaults has participated in Data Week 2021 by organizing an online session titled “Exploring the Real Value of Personal Data Sharing – Big Data of the Many, Exploited by Few? Or not any more?”.

DataVaults Deliverables Available Online

Do you want to dive into the details of the work we have been doing in DataVaults during the past months?

New Synergy with Safe-Deed Project

We are happy to announce that DataVaults is now part of the Safe-Deed Community.