citizen cotnrol personal data strategy 2022

Citizen Control of Personal Data Initiative – Strategy for 2022

The Citizen Control of Personal Data Initiative enters its second active year with an effective Strategy for 2022 in its arsenal.

Among the targets of the Initiative, the following stand out:

close the gap between the results of projects funded by the EU; push forward the creation of a European Data model ; and finally deploy these results in smart cities.

How will these targets be achieved?  The Strategy is simple:

• further develop the working groups which are tackling the identified obstacles which inhibit the full exploitation of data within a smart city, whilst joining with others and avoiding replication.

• bring the results to the attention of a small group of cities, to further refine them

• not demanding significant effort from cities, but generating an awareness that something of real value might be worth investigating further, in due course.

• lead the organisation of a large event, targetted at multi-layers of actors within a city, collaborating with other organisations, and presenting all the findings and the answers to any problems faced, be they legal, organisational, technical and of course; financial.

The event will not be a series of project presentations, but joined-up presentations providing evidence based answers to problems and a clear road map to immediate take-up by cities. The needs of key personnel covering a variety of functions will be addressed. More information will be announced in the followng period.

These were just some highlights from the Initiative’s Strategy for 2022. If you want to read the complete overview of the work to be done in 2022, you can find the full Strategy, here.