DataVaults joins forces with ReachOut Project to launch a wide multilingual survey that will explore the citizens’ perspective on personal data sharing, investigating their expectations, needs and concerns.
The results from this survey will be key for driving the design, development and deployment of the DataVaults Personal Data Platform and App, and will also provide important indications for the future progress of the Personal Data Market in Europe.
The survey is now available online, in 5 languages (English, Greek, Spanish, Italian and French). It will take about 15 minutes of your time, but will be extremely valuable in helping us create a Personal Data Platform with the citizens at its core.
If you want to get some background information about the various aspects of personal data sharing and how they are addressed by DataVaults, you can take a look at our “DataVaults Made Simple” video , and see how a Personal Data Platform can bring back to individuals the control of their personal data.
Featured Image by ds_30 from Pixabay