datavaults synergies clustering

DataVaults @ 2nd Cluster Meeting for EU Smart Communities Projects

DataVaults will join other regionally or locally funded smart communities projects in the 2nd Cluster Meeting for Smart Communities Projects in EU that will take place online on Tuesday, 6 June 2023, in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting resumes the dialogue that started in the 1st Cluster Meeting on June 2022, with the aim to promote cooperation between relevant smart communities projects, key networks and the European Commission.

Meeting Scope and DataVaults

This follow-up meeting will be re launched at the request of the Smart Cities Marketplace and takes on a new focus on establishing and sustaining synergies that will stand the test of time.

Shaun Topham (DataVaults, Citizens control of Personal Data Initiative) has been invited and will present the DataVaults point of view and future endeavours for collaboration with key initiatives and projects. In particular DataVaults and the initiative Citizens Control of Personal Data will persue the following:

Two DataVaults presentations are included already in the 2nd Cluster Meeting material to be circulated in advance and are available here.