Demonstrator #1 – Sports and activity personal data
Olympiakos aims to adopt DataVaults, use it and promote it to the key stakeholders (members, fans, athletes, sponsors) to develop a stronger relationship with them and encourage them to care about the sharing, availability and update of their data (especially those are related to social media activity and the preferences) securing their privacy. This will assist the club to use current and future data to better engage and interact with key stakeholders and reorganise its strategic plan (new market segmentation, marketing campaigns for specific target groups, finding specific sponsors etc.).
Demonstrator #2 – Strengthening entrepreneurship and mobility
(Municipality of Piraeus)
Though DataVaults, PIRAEUS aspires to renovate the way it collects, manages and analyses data, moving from simple information provision and limited feedback solutions-such as PireApp-towards embracing novel citizens and visitors engagement practices. The DataVaults app will allow the targeted stakeholders to provide more and richer data to the city, entailing more personalized services, always in a trusted and secure manner, respecting their privacy.
Demonstrator #3 – Healthcare data retention and sharing
By integrating Andaman7 and DataVaults, users will be able to make better use of their data (share data for care and/or research in a broad sense) but also collect additional data aggregated by DataVaults and stored in Andaman7. This enriched data will be usable for additional types of data treatments (AI based techniques, big data discovery, personal medicine, etc.).
Demonstrator #4 – Smarthome Personal Energy Data
MIWenergia will make use of DataVaults to design personalised services for its clients by analysing personal data they share through the platform. Additionally, MIWenergia will be able to make its commercial campaign more effective by targeting specific needs. As the data pool that will be available over DataVaults will span over multiple domains, aspects that can build better user profiles in terms of energy utilisation and energy efficiency will be covered.
Demonstrator #5 – Personal data for municipal services and the tourism industry
The possibility given by the DataVaults platform to collect citizens/tourist personal data like position, moving path around the city, attendance of different events, profile data, would enable PRATO to carry out analyses of service fruition and improve the related offer, serving these insights also to commercial operators willing to pay for access to such kind of massive data.