3rd workshop citizen focus initiative

Invitation to the 3rd Workshop of the Citizen Control of Personal Data Initiative

We are inviting you to the 3rd workshop of the Citizen Control of Personal Data initiative, within the context of  the Smart Cities Marketplace undertaking. The Workshop will take place on 8th July 2021 at 10.00 – 11.30 CEST, and will be completely virtual.

The Initiative continues its works, with the 3rd workshop of the series that aims to make a start in devising the means of demonstrating and valuing the data flows in the emerging European Data Model within cities, in an easy to understand way. This will encourage greater use and take-up of the technologies that will allow citizens control and share their personal data in a secure and privacy-preserving way.

This time DataVaults, is joined by representatives of the Safe-DEED project and the Business Models and Finance Cluster within the Smart Cities Marketplace, who will provide insights from tools facilitating the assessment of data value and how the development of smart city markets can be accelerated through knowledge sharing, innovation and expertise on business models, finance and funding and procurement. A discussion will follow to flesh out a method of communicating the value attached to personal data and data in general within a smart cities data economy, in order to encourage early adopters.

If you are interested in attending the Workshop, please find registration instructions and the agenda here.