On Monday, 29th of November 2021 DataVaults organised the session “The Road to a Trusted Personal Data Space” in the 2021 edition of the EBDVF Forum, achieving a high number of attendees who followed the presentations that were performed by selected partners of our consortium and engaged in a fruitfull Q&A session.
The session started by Mr. Yury Glickman, the coordinator of the DataVaults project, coming from Fraunhofer FOKUS, presenting the scope and the agenda of the meeting, while he continued with the presentation of the DataVaults project, discussion how it enables secure and convenient data sharing by individuals.
The next two presentations come from two of the DataVaults pilots. Mr. Vincent Keunen from Andaman7 took the floor first and discussed on how DataVaults can work with the Andaman7 App on the domain of health data, to provide huge benefits to stakeholders such as patients.
Next in line was Mr. Paolo Boscolo of Comune di Prato , who presented the Prato Demonstrator and provided highlights from the point of view of a Local Administration regarding Personal Data Spaces
The final presentation was performed by Dr. Sotiris Koussouris of Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions, who provided a preview of which are the most promising and emerging technologies that should be the focus of research and implementation for the evolution of Personal Data Spaces.
The session finished with a set of questions posed by the audience.